Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Week 17

IMS system:

Keeps long QQQQ.

Profunds system:

Best trends Blpix, Lvpix, Mlpix

Results of last best trends:

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Insdustry leader:

^XBD, Broker dealers

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Week 16

IMS system:

Long signal for the QQQQ to be executed today.

Profunds system:

The best trends are: bmpix, tcpix, utpix and uupix

Results of last week

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Industry leader:
^DRG, drugs

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Signal change. w 15

IMS system:

Got a short signal (QQQQ) to be executed today at the opening.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Profunds w.15

Profunds system:

Another good week for the system. Below the last week results.

I will be posting a max of 4 funds per week as this is a "reasonable" quantity for a diversified portfolio if desired...

Best trends this week are: utpix, enpix, tcpix and bmpix. We kept our bmpix position with long term expectations.

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Monday, April 09, 2007

Week 15

IMS system:

Remains long QQQQ.

Profunds system to be posted tomorrow.

Industry Leader:

XAL, airlines and Nasdaq biotech.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Profunds w 14.

Profunds System:

The best trends this week are: bmpix, fdpix,enpix, utpix and tcpix.

The performance of last week best trend was:

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Monday, April 02, 2007

Week 14

IMS system:

Long signal to be executed today. Interesting, I was expecting more down at least to 42.6.

The profunds will be updated tomorrow (from Tuesday to Tuesday)

Industry leader:

TNX, 10 yr treasury bonds
/* ---( tracking system )---*/